Chocolate! (of course!)








Cheese (especially gouda and brie!)




Chinese food


Ok, I think that's enough, though I am sure I could keep going...
Now for the few questions that were asked of me...
Vintage Dutch Girl asked: What was your most embarrassing moment?
I really am not sure... I know I have had a lot of them though... There was one time when I was in High school, and We were at youth group, and there was this guy that I really liked. My friend and I were messing around, and she started chasing me... I took off running, and ran around a corner, slipped and fell hard... right in front of my crush. That was pretty embarrassing at the time. I embarrass myself all the time now, usually just by saying stupid things. =)
Sarah asked: What is your favorite thing about being pregnant so far?
I would have to say the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. That was so neat! And of course, feeling movement, even if it isn't much yet. I can't wait until I can feel the baby moving all the time! And actually feel kicks. =)
Any more questions?
*Oh, and we decided we aren't going to find out the sex of the baby... =) And the names we have picked out are Jack Patrick or Kaelyn Michelle.*
Oh, those high school crushes are the worst! Meaning there's so much DRAMA it could choke you...
And as for the "c" items....I am now craving chocolate and cookies - but I'm supposed to be reforming my diet this week -gah!
I would choose all your c list except camping!
Fun post!
Like anti-gravity machines...
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