- Dec 14th, Charlotte was born
- Dec 21st, the movers came and packed up our house
- Dec 22nd, everything was done being packed, and Josh and I headed out in our separate cars to my parents house. Him with the dog, and me with the 1 week old baby. Over a mountain pass. In the middle of a snowstorm. The storm was only supposed to get worse, and our 2 older kids were already with my parents. Thank God we made it safely (3 hour trip only took 6 hours!) And I only had to pee in a cup once nurse the baby in the backseat once. (and traffic was stopped at that time too, so it worked out I guess. haha)
-Dec. 23rd, big family Christmas with the extended family!
-Dec. 25th, Merry Christmas!
-Dec. 30th, Packed our stuff and headed north. Stayed the night with friends in Redding, CA
- Dec. 31st, Drove up to Vancouver, WA. Stayed the night with my brother in law and his wife.
- Jan. 1st, Drove to Seattle, stayed in a hotel that night. 1 hotel room, 5 people. Fun.
- Jan. 2nd, Got to the apartment complex, signed the lease, found out all our household goods wouldn't be there that day after all.
-Jan 4th, Found out our household goods wouldn't be here until the 9th. Buy air mattress to sleep on.
-Jan 9th, Finally get all our stuff, start unpacking necessities, keeping everything we don't need in our tiny apartment in boxes until we can buy a house.
-Jan 17th, Quick trip to look at a house ends with us putting an offer on it.
-Jan 25th, Offer accepted
-Feb 14th, Baby girl turns 2 months old!
-Feb 27th, Supposed to close, still waiting on repairs, new closing date is the 8th. Fingers crossed.
And that brings us to today. Any questions? Haha... We are living in a tiny little apartment with 2 toddlers and a baby, so I have been trying to get the kids out of the house pretty much every day. I have been lucky to find a couple meetup groups on meetup.com that I have joined with lots of moms of toddlers. There are playgroups and meetups almost every day, and it has been a lifesaver! But between the toddlers, the baby, trying to keep the place clean (looks cluttered no matter what I do just because there is no space!) that when I do have some down time, I am just watching tv and trying to rest my brain!
So, If you have made it this far, my question is this... For all you readers out there, are you still reading my blog? I don't want to quit blogging all together, but I am trying to decide if I want to really start working on bringing back the reviews and giveaways, or just keep it more of a family blog. What would you like to see? Feel free to leave a comment, or if you have a few minutes, I would love for you to fill out this quick survey:
Click Here!
Answer as few or as many questions as you want. I am just trying to get some input on which direction to head!
So, If you are still here, thanks for sticking around! I will try to be better about posting, but until we get settled in our house, I can't promise anything! =) I will at least promise more pictures!

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