Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A possible move!

So, as some of you may know, my husband and I have been kinda wanting to move back to California, where I grew up. I have been sending resumes and watching for jobs for him, but with the economy where it is right now, there hasn't been much of a demand for Aircraft Mechanics.
Well, last week he got a call from a company in Modesto asking if he was still interested in a job. He told them yes, and the guy scheduled a phone interview with him for yesterday. ( Which was cool... he said he didn't want to take him away from work)
Well, this interview went really well, and so now we are waiting to hear back from them to see if they want to schedule a face to face interview next week. =) Yay!
So we are really praying that this is in God's will. This company sounds like a great company, the guy who interviewed him has been there the least amount of time out of everyone, and he has been there 8 years!
If they hire him, they will want him to start in 2 weeks (give or take) so, we could be moving right after the baby is born. (luckily it's only 3 hours away) He would work there and come back weekends until the baby is born,(then drive over with my mom as soon as I go into labor) so I can stay at my job and hold onto my benefits
and get my maternity leave. Then while I am still on leave, we will pack everything up and move!)
We are really praying that this is a great opportunity, with good pay, and most importantly, benefits! Then it would take the stress off of me to be the benefits earner. We would also be closer to my family, and with the baby coming, that would be great! We would also be closer to most of our friends. =)
So, if you think about it, say a prayer! Thanks!


mom2boys said...

That's sounds great! I hope things work it for you. :)

Kenya said...

Hope it all goes well!

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

Oh I hope he gets it! What a stress reliever to not have to face a quick return to work postpartum :)

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

That sounds great -- we love living in California, but I know when we start a family, we'll probably want to go back to where the free babysitting & support is! Looks like you get the best of both worlds - Cali and Fam! Wahoo!