Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway #2!

*contest now closed!*

Well, it's that time again! Bloggy Giveaway Carnival!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

This is giveaway #2!

Up for grabs.... 1 box of Trader Joes Mango Black tea! and a cute mug! Perfect for those Fall nights!
I tried to get a picture, but my camera batteries are missing.

All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me your favorite kind of tea! Make sure I have a way of contacting you as well!
Winner will be announced Nov 2!


Martha said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway!! I'd love to enter your giveaway! Hmm..I haven't had tea in a while, so I can't remember my favorite, maybe the "Christmas flavor" ones that come out close to the holidays!

Anonymous said...

Me Me Me!!

I love freebies :-)

Mrs. Realife said...

I love teas -- Specially when it's so cold outside! My favorite happens to be Green Tea and Passion Tea --

Thank you for doing a giveaway! So fun!

Lexy said...

This is going to sound so boring..... My family is from Scotland and so hot tea is a part of my daily life. Because my grandmother lived through the depression she had that I'm so cheap vibe going. She wouldn't spend money on anything - even high class teas! I grew up drinking plain old Liptons tea (English style - meaning with milk) every morning with breakfast and every night with a cookie. In my own house I keep some great herbal teas and green teas - but at the end of a long day there is nothing like a up of Liptons!

Anonymous said...

My favorite tea is iced sweet tea made with Lipton's tea of course (waves to Mrs. Forever :-).

I also love green tea when I'm in the mood for hot tea.

sarah at northernlightsaquatics dot com

Unknown said...

Tazo Awake tea! Awesome! djfurrey AT

Anonymous said...

i like MInt Tea!


windycindy said...

Hi, No pictures needed for me. The air is cool and crisp, just perfect for black tea and a mug. I adore mugs. Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Lisa said...

I really enjoy PG Tips, its an english tea and its really mellow, all I add is a creamer and its perfect.

Judy said...

My MIL got me hooked on Earl Gray, but I'm a sucker for a good chai as well. Yum!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Strawberry is I think still my favorite. It was the tea my mom got me hooked on tea with when I was in Junior High School.

ecaria at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love black tea with milk and sugar. mmmm.
leslierose at gmail dot com

Meaghan said...

I love chamomile!

Stop by my blog to enter a Coffee/Tea Giveaway. We are giving away 1 lb of gourmet coffee or tea from our online coffee shop: Get The Bean every friday!!


Pam's Pride said...

My favorite tea is Rasberry! Thank you for entering me!

Mom on a Coulee said...

vanilla chai tea is my favorite, but peach is a close second.

Lalycairn said...

I like Earl Grey. :) Kind of plain, I know. I LOVE Trader Joes, and don't get there often, as there isn't one near us.

Thanks for your drawing!

Lalycairn (at)

Anonymous said...

I like Cold Brew tea. YUM!

Kimberly said...

I love Breakfast tea and Earl Gray tea.

Thank you for the giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Julie said...

I love fruit flavored teas! Especially when I can share them with my 3 daughters and husband. ;o)

Anonymous said...

This would be a gift if I won because my mom is a tea drinker. :) She drinks all flavors but I think her favorite is what she calls 'sleepy time' tea. It helps her sleep better, hence the name :)

Thanks for the chance to win.


Unknown said...

I love many different teas but my favorite at the moment is called Blue Lady. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I would love this for my brother who loves tea. He pretty much loves most teas such as green tea. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Carolyn Sharkas said...

I love spiced Chai tea. Delicious!

Thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

Smellyann said...

I love strawberry tea! Thanks, I'd love to win :D

Miranda Rat said...

I love most herbal teas- especially chamomile! Thanks!

AmandaK said...

Being the southern girl I am, I have to have my iced sweet tea! It's a daily drink for me!


Lana said...

Wow, I love sweet tea but my 2nd fave is Lipton green tea.

FatalisFortuna said...

My favorites are sweet iced tea when it's warm, and warm Earl Grey when it's cold, but we have a large pile of different kinds of tea on our kitchen counter so I get a lot of variety!

screamingicecube at bellsouth dot net

Betsy said...

Chai is my fav!

Sunny said...

I love chai tea!! With milk of course.

sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com

Tara said...

I love Green Tea! I love the giveaway.. very cute idea!

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

I love french vanilla or spearmint tea, although i love any flavor!

Renee G said...

I love the peach flavored black tea (iced). There's a cafe around the corner from my office that brews it fresh when you come in.
rsgrandinetti (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

I love chammomille (sp) or chai...yum!

Thanks for such a great giveaway!


I like most of them- or at least try like the orange mango green tea lately and the peppermint mrs.mommyyAtGMAILdotCoM

Abuk said...

I love tea my favs change constantly but I'd have to say that I love earl Grey the best in the morning and chamomile at night. Mmm.. I think I'll make a cup right now.

modestmilk at gmail dot com

Megan said...

I'm a green tea fan.

PastormacsAnn said...

I really enjoy peppermint tea with lots of sugar. Warms me up.


Anonymous said...

I like black tea and passion tea!

sundaygirl at gmail dot com

peony paperie said...

I'm a simple black tea girl, and I usually stick to something I can buy in the grocery store, like twinings.

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

I like licorice tea.

Anonymous said...

My current favs are blueberry green tea, chai and sadly Traditional medicines breath easy.

Anonymous said...

I like Black Tea and Chai Tea.

cl said...

I like Celestial Seasoning's Morning Thunder.

Anonymous said...

I love tea with mint. Very refreshing! == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com

rebecca said...

My favourite tea is Irish Breakfast. Delicious in it's simplicity!

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Green tea for me!

409cope said...

I like Chai tea the best. It really wakes me up in the morning.

momofmhasr said...

My favorite tea is plain old Red Rose orange pekoe. but As i have been joining contests I am seeing all kind I want to try.

Anonymous said...

My favorite (at the moment) is Stash Peppermint tea. It is a great tea to relax with and Oh so yummy!
Thanks for the chance!

kamewh said...

I love all kinds but one of my favorites is Earl grey!

Thank you for the giveaway!!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

My favorite tea is White Heron Organic Daybreak Marsala Chai. It's a lovely loose black tea that's perfect for those long New England wonters.


Jingle said...

My favorite kind of tea is either English Breakfast, or a good, really good Green tea. I love tea!

buzzd said...

i like green tea..thanks!

rlgrady said...

My favorite tea is Vanilla Ginger green chai tea.


Stacy said...

Black tea, but I like it loose.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Amber said...

My favorite tea is anything fruity :)

mom2boys said...

I love cold sweet tea and hot green, and black teas. Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I love tea! My favorite is french vanilla tea... I know it's not traditional tea, but it's so good!


captain_lisaad (at) yahoo (dot) com

Bebemiqui said...

I adore True Blueberry from Celestial Seasonings.

Unknown said...

I love green tea and DH drinks Earl Gray.
Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Anonymous said...

I love decaf french vanilla.

Re said...

i'm a big white tea fan..its very light

Great giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner! :)

Reva Skie said...

Any kind of fruit tea, as long as it does not have mint. It can be herbal or not, I love it all. If I had to pick one, I would say a ginger-peach green tea.

Chantelle said...

i love irish breakfast tea! This is a great one! Thanks for the chance to win :)

TJ said...

I LOVE tea. Green tea coconut is my very favorite :)

::Sylvia:: said...

I love any tea really but I'd have to say my favorite is pumpkin creme (especially this time of year!)

frugallm said...

plain old earl grey!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Kristan said...

i like orange herbal tea. i love mangoes too though!

Cherie J said...

I love Twinnings Lady Grey Tea. Thanks for the contest!


Genevieve P said...

I like Darjeeling, always with milk a nd honey.

Thanks for the giveaway!

parknj at basicisp dot net

janetfaye said...

I love Green Tea.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Nissa said...

My favorite.. that's tough.. maybe oolong. I dunno, I like every tea!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I am liking Pumpkin Spice tea right now.

Anonymous said...

I love blackcurrant tea, but I can only find it in looseleaf. I hear it's really popular in Britain.


fawkesthefenix at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love peppermint tea. Minty fresh!

Anonymous said...

green tea
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

AudreyO said...

Orange and spice. We love Trader Joe's. They have a great chai latte powder mix. We buy those all of the time.

Angie(quillysilly) said...

Sleepy time (peppermint and chamomille). Gotta have it at bedtime!


Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

I like any kind of tea with orange.

Thanks for having the giveaway!

Becca said...

My favorite is green tea, thanks!

Krista said...

Ooo Mango black tea sounds yummy! My favorite tea is Jasmine black tea that I had at this tea shop once... smelled soooo yummy!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

I love the white Pomogranete tea from trader joe's! Thanks for the entry!

Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE a tea named "Grandma's Tummy Mint" tea. But they stopped making it. It had mint and chamomile in it. They have other mint and chamomile teas now but they just aren't the same...

Anonymous said...

i love green tea!

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

Kathy - mom of many said...

Well, sweet iced tea is a favorite around here but we'd also love some black tea. Thanks
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

I love Earl Gray!

Chrissy said...

My favorite tea is Earl Grey- thanks!

Tiffany said...

My favorite is good old Liptons ;o)

Croasla0 said...

i like mint tea!

Anonymous said...

At the moment, rose tea with some milk -- and it's good for your circulation.

hayley said...

I love chamomile tea- especially right before bedtime- thanks so much for the giveaway!

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

Jinxy and Me said...

Green tea is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!