Blog Archive

Friday, May 20, 2011

A lot to deal with...

I have been a huge slacker on this blog. I feel like I am in a rut, and I feel bad! I want to blog, and will have a good idea for one when I can't sit down and write, and then completely forget when I do have a minute.... Hang in there, I am going to try and get better!

Ellie is 8 weeks old today!

Some of you who know me in person or follow me on facebook know I have been struggling with breastfeeding.... again. I think it hit me harder emotionally this time than with Jack, because I felt like I knew what I was doing, and I "did everything right..."

Ellie seemed to be doing great. she was nursing great, wetting diapers like she should be, eating every couple hours, etc. but she was barely gaining weight. She was 6'11 when she was born, and 6'3 when we left the hospital. She didn't regain her birthweight until 6 weeks old. So, I started working with lactation consultants, and we determined that it is a supply issue. We did a velocity test, and the first one she took in 38ml (about 1 1/3oz) and the second time was about half an ounce. So she wasn't getting enough from me. So, we started supplementing with formula and donated milk, and I started pumping after nursing and started on Reglan to try and boost my supply.

And, It's working! She went from 6'12 to 7'7 in the last 10 days! She is really blossoming too! (not just from eating more, some is the age she's at) Her skin lost it's blotchiness, she is smiling a lot, is awake and alert for longer periods of time, is starting to get better about sitting in her bouncy seat or swing and not being held all the time, and is starting to make noises! I am loving this stage!

I have finally accepted the fact that I may not be able to exclusively nurse... but I am still pumping some and have noticed an increase in my supply, even if it's only a little. But, I am not giving up! I am happy too. I did everything I could, and still am. =) So That's what's going on with Ellie.

As you may know if you read my past post, Jack is having surgery on his thumbs to fix his trigger finger. We have it scheduled for the 31st and have to be there at like 6:15am. I am not too worried about the surgery itself, as they say it is a pretty simple procedure. (though there is a small chance he could lose the feeling in his thumb... prayerfully not!) I am more worried about him going under anesthesia. I know it's going to be tough seeing him go under... So prayers for that would be greatly appreciated!

That's pretty much what's been going on with us. I have a couple reviews and maybe a giveaway coming up, so stay tuned! I am going to try and get those published soon!

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