Blog Archive

Friday, January 21, 2011

Temper Tantrum

Jack has started throwing tantrums. Like "screaming flailing I want what I want and I want it now" tantrums...

Like this morning... he woke up and started crying, so I got him and took him to brush his teeth like we do every morning. But he would not brush his teeth, and was saying "eat" so I figure ok, he must be hungry, and we went downstairs, put him in his high chair with some cheerioe while I got him some yogurt. Well, he didn't want the cheerios and started crying harder (he had been crying the whole time) so I get the yogurt and take him into the living room to sit and eat. But apparently he didn't want the yogurt either. He started screaming, and wouldn't even taste it. He got up and was standing at the gate to the dining room/kitchen just screaming. I would ask him if he was hungry periodically and he would say yes, and come over, but when I tried to give him a bite he would start screaming again.

Finally, after almost a half an hour, I went and got a frozen waffle and sat down with it. He seemed a little more interested in that, and I managed to get him to sit down and start eating it. Then he tried the yogurt and liked it and finished both and was fine...

I think he really wanted eggs for breakfast, but we ran out, and I hadn't gotten any more. I wish he was at the point where he could tell me what he wants or tell me why he is screaming. It is so frustrating, and I know it's going to get worse. I just hope he kinda grows out of this stage by the time the baby is born. I know it is a long shot, but you never know!

Does anyone else have a child that does this? how do you handle it, and do they respond? I usually just ignore it and try to calmly talk to him, but it doesn't seem to work.


Tami said...

all i can say is teach him to sign. they learn so fast (and so do you) and its fun and allows them to communicate before they can verbalize. its awesome. google "my smart hands" and they have a video dictionary. its so cool to see your kid learn a new language, and it makes it so much easier on you too :) good luck!

Heather Aguilar said...

My daughter is also 18 months old and loves to throw tantrums - she is very stubborn. She usually calms down when I communicate with her. I make sure she understands that I do know what she wants. That way she knows that even though she can't tell me with her words I still do understand what she is trying to say. If she still screams then she is just not happy with my answer!

Stuff Parents Need said...

My daughter is just a few weeks younger than her son. Yes, when I don't have what she wants she doesn't always handle it very well. The best I can do in those moments is distract her. She is starting to throw little fits...definitely a challenge.

Aleksandra said...

I agree - we loved the Baby Signing Times DVD series. You can get cheaper used ones on It helped a lot. The tantrums will pass. My daughter turned into a whole new, sweet girl after she was 2.5. Hang in there!