I have been so exhausted lately. I was never this tired when I was pregnant with Jack... maybe it is because I am chasing around a one year old too...
but my house is a mess, dishes and laundry are piling up, I have blog posts that need to be written...
and yet I can't seem to gather the strength to get my butt up and do anything. And when I can it is to take care of Jack or clean up little bits at a time.
So I apologize to you faithful blog readers. I am trying. I will do my best to get some posts up soon, and I have some more great giveaways to post too!
Don't give up on me yet! Hopefully this will pass soon! (and hopefully it's not because I am carrying twins!) ;-)

Thank you! Congrats to you too!! Yes I understand about the fatigue, it's starting to really kick in with me too.
Rest is way more important than the dishes or the posts. We'll be here when you come back!
i wish i lived closer! i would totally come help out (and hang out) twins would be totally cute, you know :D
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