Last weekend we went to some friend's wedding in Redding, CA. We dove up there Friday, and Josh had to be ready to take pictures at 4. After he met up with his friend, I checked into my room at the college (I graduated from Simpson University, and they rent rooms out in the dorms for cheap) then went and stopped in to chat with some people who work there, and got a code for the internet, then went back to the room, got ready and headed over to the rehearsal. After the rehearsal, we all went to a pizza place (where the bride and groom first met.)
The next morning we (my friend Rachael stayed with me, Josh was with all the guys) were up early, and got ready for the wedding, which started at 11.
It was a nice ceremony, and it was fun spending time with friends.

After the wedding we spent the evening with our friends, went out to dinner, went to the hotel where the couple were staying and decorated their car (they hadn't done it during the reception) then went out to one of the indian casinos where my friend urged me to play some blackjack, and I turned my $10 into $20! =)
We stayed the night at one of Josh's friend's house, and it was great meeting his family, and some of Josh's friends I hadn't met before.
The next morning we got up and went to Clay (the groom's) parents house where Clay and Dea came, and we all ate breakfast and they opened their gifts. Then we headed home!
I worked Monday and Tuesday, then my parents came over Tuesday night, and took us out to dinner, and we hung out, then the next morning we went and did some shopping and had lunch before they left to go home. Then I went and got a haircut, then went with my friend Yung to look at wedding dresses! (she is getting married in October) =)
Today was an ok day. It was busy at work, and I made a mistake, and my boss got mad (even though he, the pharmacist, checked it through and didn't catch my mistake...) and everybody was tense and in a bad mood for a while, but by afternoon everyone had cooled off and things got better.
I have my 16 week appointment tomorrow, and I will get to hear the heartbeat again! I am going to try and record it this time. =) Then I plan on cleaning and getting stuff done tomorrow before we go to Adam and Renee's for dinner. Then I work all weekend! (ooh, yay!)
Sorry for the long post!
isn't it weird going to a wedding after your own?? it was fun but crazy!
Aw sounds like a great time!!
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