Blog Archive

Monday, March 3, 2008

Update on the resolutions...

I am not doing that great, so I am reposting them with an update, mostly as a reminder to myself...

1. Stop Drinking Soda - because diet is just as bad for you. I am limiting myself to only when we go out to eat or special occassions. (I haven't had soda in a week... yay me!) Update: yeah right.... as soon as what we have is gone, I swear...

2. Stop Snacking between meals - this will be hardest for me... my brain is always telling me I am hungry... even when I am not. Update: still a problem, but eating a little less and trying to make better choices.

3. Go walking at least 4 times a week with at least 2 times being an hour or longer. Update: It has been too freaking cold! But the weather is getting nicer, and I actually want to go for a walk today!

4. Keep better track of our finances (and stop spending money on things we don't need! haha.) Update: Josh and I had a discussion about this yesterday, and we are sitting down tonight to figure out a budget, and we have decided to make lists using the 'wants and needs' idea. We are serious right now... money issues suck!

5. Lose weight - I want to at least get back to the pre-wedding size but better yet would be the before I moved to TN size. haha. Numbers 1-3 should help with that. update: yeah right... now the goal is to lose some weight before I have to be in my brother's wedding. I'm already going to be the biggest girl in it... :-p

6. learn how to sew - I am starting with curtains for our living room.... when you come visit, don't laugh! ;-) update: haven't started! bought the material though!

7. get my crafts business going (jewelry, card making, scarves, baby blankets) Need anything? let me know! update: eh... haven't gotten anything going yet

8. Manage to sell enough tupperware to feed my addiction. It really is addicting... they have some awesome stuff! you should check it out! haha. update: still haven't managed to sell much of anything

9. Find a good church and get involved. This should be number one. We have been slacking in this area. update: well, we found a good church! yay! and we started tithing this week! (one reason we want to get our finances in order) now onto the getting involved part...

10. Try and find a good paying job with benefits (we need benefits!!!) update: I passed one test for the state.... now I'm on the list. Maybe I should start looking harder. we need more money...

11. Be content with my life the way it is. (but not stop trying to better it in ways I am able) update: I am halfway content... need to work on bettering what I can though. =)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Let me encourage you on the finances one! We took a dave ramsey class at our church called Financial Peace University and it was the BEST thing we have done for our marriage so far!!!! I'm sure there is one in your area, it costs about 100 bucks, but is the best 100 bucks we have spent. SERIOUSLY... we never are stressed by money anymore, we paid off our student debt already and feel so blessed!! DO IT! :)