I was really excited when Knickernappies agreed to send me a 2G pocket diaper to review! I have had my eye on them for a while, but hadn't been able to get any.
Knickernappies was created by Heather and her husband Shannon. They live in Oregon with Their daughter, Camille. When she was a newborn, she had a persistant rash. Curing the rash led them to cloth diapering which in turn led to them sewing Knickernappies. They now have help from some friends sewing the diapers and keeping up with orders, and they are proud to say that all of their products are made in the USA
I got my diaper in the mail last week, and was really anxious to try it!

So I washed it, and then put it on Jack! It fit him great! I have never tried a side snapping diaper before, and I have to say I like it. The leg openings were just right, as is the rise. I ordered a medium, and I think it will fit Jack for quite a while.
I have used it at least 3 times now, for several hours at a time, including through nap time, and I have not had any leaks! It works great! I would definitely recommend this diaper!

Kickernappies has offered one reader a chance to win a 2G pocket diaper in their choice of size and color!
How to enter:
1. (mandatory) Go to Knickernappies and tell me what size and color diaper you would choose!
2. Follow the Knickernappies Blog
3. Fan Knickernappies or My Life as a Married Girl on Facebook (1 entry each)
4. Follow Knickernappies or me Twitter (1 entry each)
5. Follow my blog
6. Put my blog button, event button, Etsy button, or The Knickernappies button on your site (1 entry each)
7. Blog about the giveaway event (3 entries)
8. Tweet about this giveaway. Be sure to include @katrinawelch.
9. Vote for Jack in knickernappies photo contest! (2 extra entries)
Don't forget to include your bonus entries if you did the pre-event blog (will only count if you commented on the original post!)
I will check all entries, and non valid entries will be deleted! Good Luck!
Giveaway is open to US residents over the age of 18.
Giveaway will end on May 10th.
I was not paid in any form of cash for this posting.
I did receive free product samples to keep for my testing purposes for this post. I was under no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts are my own honest opinion.

Don't forget to check out my Spring Fling Giveaway Event!
1 – 200 of 238 Newer› Newest»I think a medium would fit me ;)
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seaspray is pretty. probably a medium. :)
sarah.e.madsen at gmail dot com
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sarah.e.madsen at gmail dot com
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sarah.e.madsen at gmail dot com
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sarah.e.madsen at gmail dot com
I like medium size Kelly Green.
tomokofive at gmail dot com
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tomokofive at gmail dot com
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tomokofive at gmail dot com
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tomokofive at gmail dot com
I would get Medium in Periwinkle!
I follow your blog!
I like the Kelly Green :)
Fav'd on Facebook :)
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Already follow your blog (p.s. I would want a small- we want another baby in the next couple of years and it would be good to have some of the smaller sizes.)
Blogged about the giveaway! :)
I like the seaspray in size med.
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tomokofive at gmail dot com
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tomokofive at gmail dot com
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I'd love to have a medium in either Spring Green or Kelly Green.
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Red in small!
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Medium size Kelly Green. I've been looking for a great green diaper for a while.
A med. Spring Green...or melon...I cant pick! LOL
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Voted 4 ur baby!! Cute btw!!
Voted 4 ur baby!! Cute btw!!
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Blogged it!
If I could win one of these fabulous dipes, I would choose the spring green in a medium. It is perfect for summer!
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I would get the Lavender in a size medium!
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I like the kelly green and would need a medium
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simplymerry at gmail dot com
i would choose a chocolate small. :)
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I voted for DOVES entry #2
simplymerry at gmail dot com
I voted for DOVES entry #1
simplymerry at gmail dot com
voted entry #2
simplymerry at gmail dot com
voted! :)
simplymerry at gmail dot com
a medium in raspberry:)
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knickernappies button is on my blog
voted for jack #1
voted for jack #2 :D
I'm going to have to go with a Large... for reasons I mentioned in an earlier comment. And I LOVE the Spring Green color! So those would be my choices. =)
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I voted for Jack! #1
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i blogged about this giveaway
I'd pick Large in Red. I love the 2G Knickernappies!
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bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
I would get a medium in Raspberry
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
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fb fan of my life as a married girl and mommy
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
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bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
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bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
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garyandalesha at cox dot net
FB fan of Knickernappies (Alesha Y Jacobsen)
garyandalesha at cox dot net
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garyandalesha at cox dot net
I'd choose a small in spring green!
garyandalesha at cox dot net
Blog follower
garyandalesha at cox dot net
Following knickernappies on twitter @JacobsenFamily
garyandalesha at cox dot net
Following you on twitter @JacobsenFamily
garyandalesha at cox dot net
garyandalesha at cox dot net
Med Baby Blue
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I'd choose a small in the color Red or Periwinkle
babbleonmom at gmail dot come
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babbleonmom at gmail dot come
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babbleonmom at gmail dot com
"Like" My Life as a Married Girl on facebook
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babbleonmom at gmail dot com
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babbleonmom at gmail dot com
Voted for Jack (2)
babbleonmom at gmail dot com
babbleonmom at gmail dot com
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
I voted for Jack #1
i would choose med. in spring green
naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
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naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
following knickernappies on fb
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blogged 3 http://naturalbabygiveaways.com/knickernappies-2g-pocket-diaper-ends-510/
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blogged 2 http://naturalbabygiveaways.com/knickernappies-2g-pocket-diaper-ends-510/
naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
blogged http://naturalbabygiveaways.com/knickernappies-2g-pocket-diaper-ends-510/
naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/BabyGiveaways/status/13323538925
naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
I would choose a Large Spring Green.
aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
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aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
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aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
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aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
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aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
I have your blog button on my blog
aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
I would get the large in kelly green. fingers crossed!
follow you on twitter tiffanyblogs
bwneyes100 AT hotmail Dot com
small lavender.
I voted for Jack, followed your two facebook pages, followed both blogs.
small lavender
voted for jack.
small lavender
voted for jack.
small lavender
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small lavender
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small lavender
I am a fan of KN facebook page.
small lavender
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small - lavender
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small - lavender
i put your blog button on my blog.
can't find your event button. Or don't know how to add it.
small - lavender
I had Richard follow you on Twitter.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail Dot com
I'd like a medium in chocolate
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fbook fan of knicker
tiffany w.
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tiffany w
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blogged 3
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added your button
voted for jack 1. He's such a cutie
voted for jack 2
i follow your blog :)
tamipearson at gmail dot com
i would get a medium in periwinkle! :)
tamipearson at gmail dot com
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